disporportionate empathy based on ethnicity
levels the virtual city, wielding
the ax of peace i yield to the doves of war
apartment hoarders, border boarders, fodder portals,
sheltered senses relent to crumbled defences
strong neighbors make good fences
pick the foodpacket cue
if you get a clue
when it's due
dismiss inadvertent statements inflame cold
war gasses massed on
virtual extinction, civilians predict
melgoblin's passions, holy terror-itories
co-munitions of yanks-n-tories
obliterated of rationed sanctimonies
bring me the head of a baptist
&i'll trade ya the balls of a zoroastrian
we'll wed water and fired in religioned crucibles
taking blindsides with a grin
giving blankets poxed with chagrin
who let all these terrorists in? pilgrim's
gory thanksglory hoards the whole
monotony board, walk past gogh and collect
yer dough for hotels in beirut
fetch less than in huts in connect-the-cut
chopping the trees before we flee
limbs lopped cradles dropped hush hush baby
doncha breed cuz uncle sam gunna lease
you a mockinbird to flock
over ubiquitous battlefields, predator
drones for when you feel alone
eye in sky casting the die
covering the livid with lye